

Type of scholarships:
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s scholarships are available on a competitive basis in the period 2024-2027. The scholarships will be available for 4 intakes over a period of four years (in total about 70 scholarships). Scholarships are available for partner countries and for programme countries.
There are additional EMJM scholarships available for students from targeted regions of the world. These additional scholarships are offered to respond to the external policy priorities of the EU with regard to higher education and take into consideration the different levels of economic and social development in the relevant partner countries. The application procedure is the same as for the regular EMJM scholarships.
These scholarships are available for the following regions:
4 scholarships for candidates from IPA countries: Albania, Bosnia Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro: deadline application for IPA countries: 3rd February 2025.
8 scholarships for candidates from NDICI countries, see erasmus plus-programme guide: 2021-erasmusplus-programme-guide_en.pdf
What do EMJM scholarships include?
the students' participation costs (including the tuition fees, library and laboratory costs, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the students' participation in the master programme);
a monthly allowance for the entire duration of the EMJM study programme of 1400 EURO per month, which covers monthly subsistence allowance, accommodation, travel and installation cost for the entire duration of the EMJM study programme (up to 24 months maximum).
Students with disabilities may receive a contribution to individual needs up to a certain maximum if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions set in the grant agreement.
Besides the EMJM scholarships, there is a limited number of scholarships with reduced tuition fee available.
What do scholarships with reduced tuition fee include?
These include a reduced tuition fee of EURO 3,000 (excl. VAT) instead of EURO 18,000 (excl. VAT)
Only available for private/natural persons (to whom we send an invoice for the tuition fee), not for employers, government, other scholarship providers.
All other cost for insurance, visa, travel and 24 months cost of living and accommodation are not included and confirmation is needed that funding for these costs is available to be proved by bank statements.
Application procedure for EMJM scholarships
Apply for admission and EMJM scholarship for the FRM programme by completing and submitting the online application form available at this website.
Make sure that before you start to apply online, you have collected the documents you need to upload. There is no separate application procedure for Erasmus Mundus scholarships.
At the question in the application form, where you have to indicate how you are going to finance your study, you have to select: Erasmus Mundus scholarship. If you have double nationality, the nationality which you fill in in your online application, together with the passport you have uploaded will be leading to categorize you under either partner or programme country scholarship.
Application procedure for scholarships with reduced tuition fee
If you wish to be eligible for a scholarship with reduced fee, please send an e-mail to: After the selection of Erasmus Mundus scholarships, all applicants will be informed about the outcome. In case you have not been selected you can still apply for a Scholarship with reduced fee, before 15 April 2025.
Do not to wait till the last moment to submit your application in order to avoid last minute unforeseen problems with submitting your online application.
Application deadlines:
Submission deadline for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship is 6 January 2025, 23.59 hrs Dutch time (partner countries) / 3 February 2025, 23.59 hrs Dutch time (programme countries and IPA countries: Albania, Bosnia Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro). You will be informed about the outcome of your application for admission and scholarship in the beginning of April 2025. ​
Applications for scholarship reduced fee should be received before 15 April 2025. Applicants will be informed in May about the outcome.
If you wish to come with other funding, you have to submit your application before 30 April 2025 at the latest and confirm funding before 15th May 2025.
More information on what is considered as a partner and what is considered as a programme country can be found here:
Programme countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, North Macedonia (Republic of), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia (Republic of), Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey (Republic of)
Partner countries: All other countries
Students whose nationality is one of the Partner Countries count as Partner Country students.
Students whose nationality is one of the Programme Countries count as Programme Country students.
Students with a double nationality (of a Partner and of a Programme Country) must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.
Please upload both passports as 1 pdf.
Students who have benefitted from an EMJM scholarship before are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship.
Selection Procedure
The Joint Scholarship Selection Committee (JSSC) of the consortium is responsible for the selection procedure. The Selection Committee consists of one representative of each partner and is chaired by the coordinator of the programme. The JSSC evaluates the applications based on the following selection criteria (maximum score of 100 points): A rating scheme has been developed and will be used by the JSSC prior to the attribution of qualification points.
Scores are given according to the following selection criteria:
A maximum of 30 points for the overall grade of the previous degree (or the preliminary grade status at the time of application, minimum of 120 ECTS), and importance of university in the country where the degree was obtained.
A maximum of 30 points for the marks of relevant study subjects during the previous degree, other relevant academic or extra-academic qualifications, and/or relevant professional/industrial or international experience.
A maximum of 20 qualification points for your motivation. In your application you have to answer 5 motivation questions. The answers you have given to those questions will be evaluated. Criteria for the evaluation are specific reference of the study programme, a clear description of own qualifications and objectives, coherence of the intended career with the study programme, and congruence of the applicant’s motivation of study with the orientation of the study programme.​
A maximum of 20 qualification points for the two letters of recommendation. Criteria for the evaluation of the applicants are scientific and personal potential of the candidates, especially with regard to the study programme, relevance of previous studies, and, if applicable, professional qualifications and performance with respect to the scope of the FRM programme.
The added value of a scholarship for the applicant and his/her career will also be considered. Particularly applications from those who have already obtained an MSc degree in a related area from a renowned university will be carefully analysed on motivation.
Admission and Evaluation Procedure
A first control of eligibility for admission is performed by the student admission office of IHE Delft, as the coordinator of the master programme.
Legalised documents accepted by the coordinating institution will be automatically recognised by the other HEIs within their competences. The minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) depends on the country of study, as defined by IHE Delft (based on a thorough comparative assessment done at a higher level in the Netherlands). In case of doubt, the programme coordinator is contacted.
Following the eligibility check, a shortlist of around 50-80 applicants eligible for a scholarship is built by the coordinator of the programme in close collaboration with the student admission office, based on the relevance and grade of the obtained bachelor degree and followed disciplines, relevant work experience, other academic qualifications or activities, the number of applicants per country and the letter of motivation.
The shortlist of 50-80 applicants is then distributed over the four full partners of the consortium, so that they can prepare their individual scoring. During a JMC selection meeting a few weeks later, one or more representatives of each partner institute meet. Each applicant on the short list is being discussed separately after which each partner provides their individual score. The scores provided are based on the following selection criteria:
A maximum of 30 points for the overall grade of the previous degree (or the preliminary grade status at the time of application, minimum of 120 ECTS), and importance of university in the country where the degree was obtained.
A maximum of 30 points for the marks of relevant study subjects during the previous degree, other relevant academic or extra-academic qualifications, and/or relevant professional/industrial or international experience.
A maximum of 20 qualification points for your motivation. In your application you have to answer 5 motivation questions. The answers you have given to those questions will be evaluated. Criteria for the evaluation are specific reference of the study programme, a clear description of own qualifications and objectives, coherence of the intended career with the study programme, and congruence of the applicant’s motivation of study with the orientation of the study programme.​
A maximum of 20 qualification points for the two letters of recommendation. Criteria for the evaluation of the applicants are scientific and personal potential of the candidates, especially with regard to the study programme, relevance of previous studies, and, if applicable, professional qualifications and performance with respect to the scope of the FRM programme.
​The application of each shortlisted candidate is discussed in the selection meeting and every partner provides score for that applicant. The scores provided by each partner are combined and a list from highest to lowest scoring candidate is made. The results are then discussed and finalised among the four partners. ​If there are many candidates from the same country, the lowest scoring candidates of that country, may be placed on the reserve list in order to achieve a good distribution among the different countries.
Minutes of the selection meeting are prepared, including day and place of final decision, and signed by the four country coordinators within the JMC. The list is combined with the number of available EC grants for partner and programme Countries, to obtain two final lists: one of applicants with approved grants, and one with applicants placed on a reserve list, who may be entitled to a scholarship when one of the applicants with an approved scholarship decides to withdraw.
For the applicants with approved grants, the general Admission Office of IHE sends an invitation letter admitting the awarded applicants to the programme, and once they have accepted, the Admission Offices of the other HEIs also admit the awarded students. All students are informed regarding the outcome of the selection procedure. Applicants are informed about the possibility of, and procedure for, submitting and appeal.
Those applicants who meet the academic admission criteria, but have not received a scholarship, will be academically accepted to the programme and motivated to search for alternative funding. Self-funded students are admitted to the programme if they satisfy the admission requirements. ​
The language of instruction is English, and all students must possess adequate English language skills as a requirement for admission. Notwithstanding, additional language course are be provided at IHE for improvement of English speaking, understanding and writing skills. A dedicated English teacher tests all students upon arrival on their English proficiency and, for those who need it, additional courses are organised. Other than the English language, students have the opportunity of learning Dutch, German, Spanish and Slovenian during their stay in the respective countries
Outcome scholarship selection
All applicants who have indicated in their application Erasmus Mundus scholarship, will be informed about the outcome of their application for admission and scholarship in the the beginning of April 2025.
Degree awarded
Upon the successful completion of all the components of the master course, the student will be awarded the following degrees:
​​MSc degree in Water and Sustainable Development - Flood Risk Management
Master of Science in Hydro Science and Engineering​
Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Flood Risk Management
With one diploma supplement
Appeal procedure
Applicants for and Erasmus Mundus scholarship will be notified regarding academic admission after the scholarship selection has taken place. If you do not agree with the decision of the Committee on academic admission and scholarship selection and feel that the consortium/partnership has not handled your application in line with the application and selection procedures as described on the website, you have the possibility to appeal.
You will need to do this within seven days following notification, stating in a letter addressed to the Committee why you disagree with the decision made, providing clear justifications. You need to send the letter by email to
Your appeal will be analysed by the Selection Committee and if justified, your application will be re-evaluated.
You will be informed about the final decision within 14 days.
​​​Student Agreement Template
Find here the Student Agreement template.
Scholarship for students from Taiwan
Taiwanese Ministry of Education (MoE) will be offering national scholarships to Taiwanese master students who are academically admitted to the Erasmus Mundus joint master programme in Flood Risk Management. More information can be found on the website: You first need to apply for academic admission to the programme.
IHE Delft, Westvest 7, 2611 AX Delft, Netherlands
+31 (0)152151715
+31 (0)152122921
